How education in Bangladesh is ruining the future of its students! - Around the world

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Friday, December 9, 2022

How education in Bangladesh is ruining the future of its students!

The reasons why students might lack creativity in Bangladesh

1. Lack of Educational Resources: Bangladesh has a limited number of schools and universities, and most of them lack the resources needed to encourage and develop creative thinking in students

2. Lack of Support: Most parents in Bangladesh do not believe in the importance of creativity in their childrens education. They prioritize rote learning and memorization instead of fostering creative and critical thinking.

3. Limited Exposure to Different Cultures and Ideas: Bangladesh is a culturally homogenous country, so students lack exposure to different cultures and ideas that could help them become more creative.

4. Over-emphasis on Grades: Students are often too focused on grades and test scores, instead of exploring their creativity and taking risks.

5. Fear of Failure: Most students in Bangladesh believe that creativity and failure go hand in hand, so they avoid taking risks and trying new things out of fear of failure.

Depression and anxiety are common in students in Bangladeshi students

Due to a variety of reasons, such as academic pressures, financial difficulties, family issues, and societal expectations. To cope with these issues, students can seek professional help from mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists, who can provide counseling and
if needed. Additionally, students can participate in support groups with peers who are also facing similar issues, as well as self-help activities such as mindfulness and regular exercise. Joining student clubs and organizations can also help students to reduce their depression and anxiety by providing a sense of community and support. Finally, students can also utilize online resources, such as apps and websites, that provide helpful information and tools for managing depression and anxiety.


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